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Refunds 2023

Notification for updation of Bank Details W.R.T. PG Admission Cancellation/excess Fee Failures 2023-24


Please click here for the list of candidates for Refund 


*Rest students are requested to check their respective bank accounts mentioned on the Dashboard/Registration Form. PG refunds have been processed on 10.01.24.

*PG refunds have been processed upto 31st October 2023 

*Kindly note that : This arrangement is only for those students whose details are mentioned in this list due to failure of refund. These students' refunds have been processed earlier as per data provided by the Admission Branch/DUCC.

Notification for updation of Bank Details W.R.T. UG Admission Cancellation/excess Fee Failures 2023-24


Please click here for the list of candidates for Refund


*Rest students are requested to check their respective bank accounts mentioned on the Dashboard/Registration Form.UG refunds have been processed on 28.11.23 (reprocessed on 24.01.24).

 *UG refunds have been processed upto 30th september 2023 & the UG refunds for October month will be refunded soon.

*Kindly note that : This arrangement is only for those students whose details are mentioned in this list due to failure of refund. These students' refunds have been processed earlier as per data provided by the Admission Branch/DUCC.

Refunds 2022

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