B.A. (Hons.) - Hindustani Music: Vocal/Instrumental (Sitar / Sarod / Guitar / Violin / Santoor)
This program is designed to develop an understanding of the origin, development and historical background of Hindustani Music in the form of Vocal and Instrumental forms. This course helps to understand and compare different aspects of the prescribed ragas and demonstrate practically the scales, ragas and compositions therein. In addition, it aims to provide the learners an ability to perform and present ragas on stage, gain knowledge and understand the positive aspect of music in personality development.
Eligibility for Admissions Hindustani Music: Vocal/ Instrumental Sitar/Sarod/Guitar/ Violin/Santoor)
Program Specific Eligibility |
Candidates must appear in both CUET and Performance-based test. Candidates must appear in CUET in any of the following subject combinations: Combination I: Any one Language from List A + Performing Arts from List B2 + Any two subjects out of which one should be from List B1 OR Combination II: Any one Language from List A + Any two subjects from List B1 + Any one subject from either List B1 or List B2 And Performance-Based Test Merit will be calculated by considering the ‘Combined CUET score (50% weightage) and Performance-based test score (50% weightage)’
CUET score will be the best score obtained from any one of the above-mentioned combinations of subjects. Further details related to admissions will be notified on the website. |