PG Notices
- Revised Fourth Admission List for 14 PG Programs
- Revised schedule for admissions under Third Admission List
- Revised Schedule for PG Entrance / Merit Based Admission Process 2021-22
All concerned may please note that the PG portal will be opened from 11th November, 2021(8.00 am) to 13th November, 2021 (11.59pm) to update the qualifying degree (convert CGPA into percentage).
This is the last opportunity to update the marks. No further extension will be granted to update the qualifying marks on PG Portal.
Dean (Admissions)
- Notice dated 18-11-2021
- Score Card for 3 Post Graduate (PG) Courses of DUET-2021
- Score Card for 11 Post Graduate (PG) Courses of DUET-2021
- Score Card for 34 Post Graduate (PG) Courses of DUET-2021
- Notice dated 28-10-2021- PG Marks update
- Notice dated 08-10-2021- PG Marks update
- Department of Computer Science - Notice regarding no interviews for admission to MCA and M.Sc. (CS)