Sports Admissions 2021
- Second Centralized Sports Admission Merits List of successful applicants along with the allotment of College and Course for admission under Sports Category - Female, Male, Notice, Undertaking
- Notice - Admissions under Sports category- 12.11.2021
- Final Seat Allotment of Course and College (Male)
- Final Seat Allotment of Course and College (Female)
- Undertaking From Sports Students
- Rank Wise Centralized Sports Admission Merit List of successful applicants for admission to undergraduate Courses under Sports Category
The applicants are required to submit their preferences of college and courses on DU UG Admission Portal by Wednesday, 10th November 2021 (11:59 PM).
The Dashboard of eligible applicants as per the Centralized Sports Admission Merit List on the DU UG Admission Portal will be open for registering their preferences for the allotment of Course and College from Monday, 8th November 2021 to Wednesday, 10th November 2021. All eligible applicants are informed that no further chance for registering their preferences for allotment of College and Course will be given after Wednesday, 10th November 2021 (11:59 PM).
- Notification - Sports Admission Guidelines 2021-2022
- Sports - Male Award list - File 1, File 2
- Sports - Female Award list