Eligibility Criteria for Each of the B.A. (Honours) Programs (Merit-Based Admissions)
The candidates have to fulfill both, ‘General Eligibility Criteria’ as well as ‘Program Specific Eligibility Criteria’.
General Eligibility:
- An aggregate of 45% marks in the qualifying examination.
- Merit shall be determined based on ‘one language’ and ‘three-best academic/elective subjects’ as specified in List A and List B.
- Inclusion of any subject other than those listed in List A and List B in the combination of ‘three-best’ will lead to a deduction of 2.5% per such subject included in the aggregate “Best Four” percentage.
- Out of three academic/elective subjects chosen above, one must be the concerned subject in which the admission is sought, failing which a deduction of 2.5% will be imposed on the aggregate “Best Four” percentage.
Program Specific Eligibility Criteria:
B.A. (Hons.) Applied Psychology |
‘General Eligibility’. No additional requirement. |
B.A. (Hons.) Psychology |
‘General Eligibility’. No additional requirement. |
B.A. (Hons.) Economics
In addition to the ‘General Eligibility’, the applicant must have studied and passed Mathematics at the qualifying examination. |
B.A. (Hons.) Geography |
‘General Eligibility’. No additional requirement. |
B.A. (Hons.) History |
‘General Eligibility’. No additional requirement. |
B.A. (Hons.) Political Science |
‘General Eligibility’. No additional requirement. |
B.A. (Hons.) Sociology |
‘General Eligibility’. No additional requirement. |
B.A. (Hons.) Social Work |
The deduction of 2.5% will not be applicable as specified in the ‘General Eligibility’ requirement point IV. |
B.A. (Hons.) Philosophy |
The deduction of 2.5% will not be applicable as specified in the ‘General Eligibility’ requirement point IV. |
B.A. (Hons.) English |
In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply: ● The applicant must have studied and passed English in the qualifying exam. ● ‘English’ should be included in the calculation of the ‘Best Four’ percentage. ● An advantage of 2% in the ‘Best Four’ percentage will be given to applicants who have studied English as an elective subject (See List A). |
B.A. (Hons.) Hindi |
In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply: ● Applicants securing 40% or more marks in the aggregate in the qualifying examination and o 50% marks in Hindi or o “Prabhakar in Hindi” shall be eligible for admission. ● The applicant must have studied and passed Hindi in the qualifying exam. ● ‘Hindi’ should be included in the calculation of the ‘Best Four’ percentage. ● An advantage of 2% in the ‘Best Four’ percentage will be given to applicants who have studied Hindi as an elective subject (See List A). |
B.A. (Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita |
In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply: • Candidates must have passed Hindi language in the qualifying examination. • Applicants securing 40% marks in the aggregate and 50% marks in Hindi language are also eligible for admission. • The merit shall be determined on the basis of Hindi language and three best academic/elective subjects as specified in List A and List B above. • Mass media will be treated as an academic subject for admission to this course. |
B.A. (Hons.) Arabic B.A. (Hons.) Bengali B.A. (Hons.) Persian B.A. (Hons.) Punjabi B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit B.A. (Hons.) Urdu |
In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply: ● Applicants securing 40% marks in the aggregate and 50% marks in the subject concerned are also eligible for admission to the relevant Honours Course. ● Applicants who have passed the intermediate Examination of an Indian University/Board with at least 40% marks in the aggregate and also one of the following examinations: o Maulvi Fazil in Arabic o Munshi Fazil in Persian o Gyani in Punjabi o Shastri in Sanskrit o Adib Fazil in Urdu are also eligible for admission to the respective subject of the honours Course. ● For admission to honours in any language course, an advantage of 2% will be given in the aggregate ‘Best Four’ percentage to those applicants who have studied that particular elective language. ● If the applicant has not studied a language at the qualifying examination level and is seeking admission to an honours course in that language, a deduction of 5% will be imposed on ‘Best Four’ aggregate percentage.
B.A. (Hons.) French B.A. (Hons.) German B.A. (Hons.) Italian B.A. (Hons.) Spanish |
In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply: ● For admission to honours in any language course, the advantage of 2% will be given in the aggregate ‘Best Four’ percentage to those applicants who have studied that particular elective language. ● If the applicant has not studied a language at the qualifying examination level and is seeking admission to an honours course in that language, a deduction of 5% will be imposed on the ‘Best Four’ aggregate percentage.
B.A. (Hons.) Journalism |
In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply:
• Candidates must have passed English language in the qualifying examination. • Mass media will be treated as an academic subject for admission to this course. |