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Eligibility Criteria for Each of the B.A. (Honours) Programs (Merit-Based Admissions)

The candidates have to fulfill both, ‘General Eligibility Criteria’ as well as ‘Program Specific Eligibility Criteria’.

General Eligibility:

  1. An aggregate of 45% marks in the qualifying examination.
  2. Merit shall be determined based on ‘one language’ and ‘three-best academic/elective subjects’ as specified in List A and List B.
  3. Inclusion of any subject other than those listed in List A and List B in the combination of ‘three-best’ will lead to a deduction of 2.5% per such subject included in the aggregate “Best Four” percentage.
  4. Out of three academic/elective subjects chosen above, one must be the concerned subject in which the admission is sought, failing which a deduction of 2.5% will be imposed on the aggregate “Best Four” percentage.


Program Specific Eligibility Criteria:

B.A. (Hons.) Applied Psychology

‘General Eligibility’.  No additional requirement.

B.A. (Hons.) Psychology

‘General Eligibility’.  No additional requirement.

B.A. (Hons.) Economics


In addition to the ‘General Eligibility’, the applicant must have studied and passed Mathematics at the qualifying examination.

B.A. (Hons.) Geography

‘General Eligibility’.  No additional requirement.

B.A. (Hons.) History

‘General Eligibility’.  No additional requirement.

B.A. (Hons.) Political Science

‘General Eligibility’.  No additional requirement.

B.A. (Hons.) Sociology

‘General Eligibility’.  No additional requirement.

B.A. (Hons.) Social Work

The deduction of 2.5% will not be applicable as specified in the ‘General Eligibility’ requirement point IV.

B.A. (Hons.) Philosophy

The deduction of 2.5% will not be applicable as specified in the ‘General Eligibility’ requirement point IV.

B.A. (Hons.) English

In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply:

●        The applicant must have studied and passed English in the qualifying exam.

●        ‘English’ should be included in the calculation of the ‘Best Four’ percentage.

●        An advantage of 2% in the ‘Best Four’ percentage will be given to applicants who have studied English as an elective subject (See List A).

B.A. (Hons.) Hindi

In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply:

●        Applicants securing 40% or more marks in the aggregate in the qualifying examination and

o   50% marks in Hindi or

o   “Prabhakar in Hindi”

shall be eligible for admission.

●        The applicant must have studied and passed Hindi in the qualifying exam.

●        ‘Hindi’ should be included in the calculation of the ‘Best Four’ percentage.

●        An advantage of 2% in the ‘Best Four’ percentage will be given to applicants who have studied Hindi as an elective subject (See List A).

B.A. (Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita

In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply:

•  Candidates must have passed Hindi language in the qualifying examination.

•  Applicants securing 40% marks in the aggregate and 50% marks in Hindi language are also eligible for admission.

•  The merit shall be determined on the basis of Hindi language and three best academic/elective subjects as specified in List A and List B above.

•  Mass media will be treated as an academic subject for admission to this course.

B.A. (Hons.) Arabic

B.A. (Hons.) Bengali

B.A. (Hons.) Persian

B.A. (Hons.) Punjabi

B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit

B.A. (Hons.) Urdu

In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply:

●        Applicants securing 40% marks in the aggregate and 50% marks in the subject concerned are also eligible for admission to the relevant Honours Course.

●        Applicants who have passed the intermediate Examination of an Indian University/Board with at least 40% marks in the aggregate and also one of the following examinations:

o   Maulvi Fazil in Arabic

o   Munshi Fazil in Persian

o   Gyani in Punjabi

o   Shastri in Sanskrit

o   Adib Fazil in Urdu

are also eligible for admission to the respective subject of the honours Course.

●        For admission to honours in any language course, an advantage of 2% will be given in the aggregate ‘Best Four’ percentage to those applicants who have studied that particular elective language.

●        If the applicant has not studied a language at the qualifying examination level and is seeking admission to an honours course in that language, a deduction of 5% will be imposed on ‘Best Four’ aggregate percentage.


B.A. (Hons.) French

B.A. (Hons.) German

B.A. (Hons.) Italian

B.A. (Hons.) Spanish

In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply:

●        For admission to honours in any language course, the advantage of 2% will be given in the aggregate ‘Best Four’ percentage to those applicants who have studied that particular elective language.

●        If the applicant has not studied a language at the qualifying examination level and is seeking admission to an honours course in that language, a deduction of 5% will be imposed on the ‘Best Four’ aggregate percentage.


B.A. (Hons.) Journalism

In addition to ‘General Eligibility’ the following shall apply:


•  Candidates must have passed English language in the qualifying examination.

•  Mass media will be treated as an academic subject for admission to this course.

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