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Eligibility Criteria of B.Sc. Programs



B.Sc.(Pass.) Home Science



●        Merit to be calculated on the aggregate of compulsory language, i.e., English and any three academic elective subjects from List B.

●        Essential for applicants to have Pass marks or more in English.




B.Sc.(Prog.) Applied Life Science


B.Sc.(Prog.)  Life Science


●        45% or more marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Biotechnology/ Biochemistry (Practical & Theory together) and passing in one compulsory language (i.e., English).


●        45% or more marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry and 40% in one compulsory language.

●        Merit will be calculated based on aggregate percentage in Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology/ Biochemistry.


B.Sc. (Prog.) Applied Physical Sciences with Analytical Methods in Chemistry and Biochemistry


B.Sc. (Prog.)  Applied Physical Sciences with Industrial Chemistry


B. Sc. (Prog.) Physical Science with Chemistry


B. Sc. (Prog.) Physical Science with Electronics


B.Sc. (Prog.) Physical Science with Computer Science


●        45% or more marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry / Computer Science, Mathematics (Practical & Theory together) and passing in one compulsory language (i.e. English).


●        45% or more marks in the aggregate of Physics, Chemistry/ Computer Science, Mathematics (Practical & Theory together) and 40% in one compulsory language.

●        Merit will be calculated based on aggregate percentage in Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics.


B.Sc. Mathematical Sciences

●        Merit shall be determined based on one language, Mathematics and two best academic/elective subjects as specified in List A and List B above.




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